Ant Control In Portland: Your Ultimate Guide To Keeping Ants At Bay

April 16, 2024

Ants in your home may start as an annoying nuisance, but they can quickly become an overwhelming presence. Some species can cause additional problems, including health issues and structural damage. If you need help keeping these pests out, this guide will provide the information you require to achieve successful ant control in Portland.

We’ll start by exploring the behavior and habits of these insects and how they relate to controlling them. We’ll also review the signs of infestation and explain why your DIY removal attempts haven’t been effective. Continue reading to learn more about ants and how to get rid of them with the pros at Kanga Pest.

Ant Control In Portland: Your Ultimate Guide To Keeping Ants At Bay

Understanding the Behavior and Habits of Ants

Ants live together in organized colonies, which average between 20,000 and 100,000 individual insects. Each colony has different types of ants with specific roles. Queens reproduce, soldiers defend, and worker ants forage for food, maintain the nest, and care for nest mates.

When worker ants find food, they create a scent trail to help the other ants in the colony find their way to the source, which helps explain how a single ant on your kitchen counter can quickly become a full-blown infestation. Contact us today at Kanga Pest to learn how our pest control services can help eliminate ants in your home and prevent their return.

Signs of Ant Infestation

Noticing the signs of an ant infestation can sometimes be tricky, especially with ants that nest inside wood or wall voids. But knowing what to look for can help you catch an ant problem sooner rather than later. Here are some of the signs to watch for:

  • Ants with wings around your property or inside the house
    Rustling sounds from wall voids when winged ants are disturbed
    Small holes in wood surfaces with piles of sawdust-like debris below them
    An ant nest in a warm, humid area like the attic or near a water source
    Trails of ants crawling near the foundation or on the exterior walls

Reaching out to a pest control company that offers ant control near you at the first signs of infestation can help you avoid serious problems. Contact us today at Kanga Pest to learn how we can help get rid of the ants in your home and prevent another invasion.

Why DIY Ant Control Is A Waste Of Time And Money

If you have tried using DIY products to eradicate an ant infestation, you already know they are ineffective. Part of the problem with store-bought products is that they aren’t strong enough to eliminate a colony and, most importantly, the queen. The ants will return quickly if the queen survives treatment and continues reproducing.

Different species of ants require different treatments, and if you guess wrong, you’ll have a house full of baits with ants crawling all over the place. The simplest, most effective way to eliminate and keep ants away is to work with an experienced pest control company. Contact us today at Kanga to learn more about our ant pest control and prevention services.

Professional Ant Control: Eliminate The Infestation

Kanga Pest’s ant pest control services will eliminate the infestation in your home and ensure the ants won’t be coming back. Our Pest Professionals utilize the best products available to treat ants and other household pests and can help determine what attracts pests to your home and how they get inside. Contact us today to learn more about our home pest control services in Portland or to schedule your free estimate.


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